Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Blue Sand

Farewell Spit, originally uploaded by Winam.

Now, jumping through most of Winam's entire "New Zealand 2004" set had already made my jaw bounce painfully off my desk as it dropped. Incredible beauty. But this. You just don't expect to come across images like this outside of dreams.


Winam said...

Nice home you have here. Glad you liked my photos!

snowsim said...

Thank you. I'm finding it quite pleasant to post here. I do miss all the community stuff with the comments and such. But it was kinda cool to be able to blog your picture from Flickr with one click.

By the way, "like" is far too mild a word for how I feel about your pictures. They are fantastic! Why aren't you doing this professionally?!??

Winam said...

Um, rather lame reason, but because I never tried? Perhaps it's time that I did though.

snowsim said...

Go for it! I know I want prints of half the New Zealand photos alone. There is something interesting in every part of the frame!
They are so appealing, they could sell stuff. I mean, advertisers would want them to use as backgrounds to push their (completely unrelated, no doubt) products.

snowsim said...

Oh. But don't let that stop you! lol