Tuesday, 14 August 2007

He said it!

John Lithgow is in England to work with the RSC right now, playing Malvolia in Twelfth Night. His fellow cast members are teaching him the joys of cricket, and he so somehow he ended up the lunchtime interview guest on Radio Five Live Sports Extra Live Test Match Special (yes, "Live" twice in the full title) on Sunday.

The host obviously didn't know much of Lithgow's brilliant work, but luckily TMS takes emails from listeners. One of them tried this claim: "I'm one of the biggest if not only fans of the film Buckaroo Banzai—". Lithgow didn't even allow the announcer to finish reading the letter before replying, "Oh, no, he is in the company of millions of very, very weird people." He takes a moment to explain the film to the unenlightend host then continues, "It is one of my favourite films too. It's completely zonked out." He then describes his character and in a moment, he says it! And I recorded it!! *

Overall, Lithgow proved to be a more than amiable guest, an enthusiastic learner of all things cricket, and an engaging speaker. If I hadn't already been a fan, this interview would have made me one. Full Lithgow Segment. (mp3, 34.3 Mb)

From the previous day:
Preview Patter (mp3, 1.2 Mb)
Shashi Thoroor (mp3, 30Mb)

Other TMS interviews online from the BBC site:
Daniel Radcliffe at Lord's
Johnny Borrell (of Razorlight) at Lord's

*I don't know why it loops like that. The version I uploaded did not.

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